Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tutova - July 7th

Here's a little assortment of Tutova babies! Several of them enjoy rolling around together, and even climbing over each other!

Today was a tired day for me. Last night the whole group went to Barlad, the closest town, and had a walking tour, ate dinner, and shopped at the market. Several of us bought tubs of yogurt, as that is a favorite of the babies and they never have enough.

This morning I had a huge headache, so I ate a little breakfast, took two Advil, and went back to bed for a while. Got to work late, but no one seemed to mind. Fortunately, we are a large volunteer group, so there are many hands to do the work. I decided not to go to the Painted Monesteries this weekend because of the fatigue issue. I'll save about $500, which won't hurt me either. Staying here isn't costing much - a soda most days is about it.

I'll try to get more photos tomorrow - the little Petra (spelling I'm not sure of) is only 3 months and so adorable. Some of the dark-eyed, black curly haired children have smiles to melt your heart. There are some truly serious physical disabilities that break your heart, but much of the time we are laughing at their antics, and giving them adoring coos and smiles.

A great challenge, and a promise fulfilled - Mother would be proud!

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