Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Jibou and Gherla, Romania

My research is taking me to the "hometowns" of my maternal grandfather and grandmother in June.  I know that Gherla was the home of Mary Lazar, but it was more difficult to find Zibou, which was actually in Hungary when George Zorgo was born there.  The border changes make this confusing to me, but I have found this little town of Jibou in the northwest corner of Romania - an area that was Hungary for a number of years.  I am hoping to take the little bit of family tree to that little town and ask around (in my wonderful Romanian - or perhaps my even lesser wonderful Hungarian!).

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

About Global Volunteers

I mentioned Global Volunteers yesterday, but perhaps I should explain more.  I found them on the internet almost two years ago.  They sponsor short term volunteer vacations to every continent (except Antarctica) and have been doing this for many years.  I had a choice of working as close to home as West Virginia, but as I've wanted to see Romania for many years, I selected this trip.  At first the cost seemed prohibitive, but I found a grant opportunity, which matched donations up to a thousand dollars.  Family and friends who were at my birthday party last summer bestowed contributions that were doubled by Global Giving, covering the majority of the volunteer cost for me!  That was certainly the "gift that kept on giving".   If you are interested in a volunteer vacation, please check the website, which I'll post later.  There are many opportunities to serve, in many different capacities.

US Air - here we come!

This weekend we made our flight arrangements for June (only two months away!) and I am so excited!  We fly into Budapest, with a stop in Germany, on June 21 (leaving 6/20) and have booked our first three nights at a bed and breakfast called Budabab. The owners are US citizens who love the city and are so friendly and warm!  They have corresponded several times already with helpful tips.  When we leave Hungary, we plan to take a train to Cluj, Romania.  Then we'll be in Mother's home area and the country part of the trip will come into play.  We are still unsure how to handle those days - car rental, custom tour, but whatever it is, it must include Jibou and Gherla - places that are in the stories!  Imagine walking where my mother walked as a child!